May 14 in Physics History: Birthdays, Deaths & Discoveries

Explore May 14 in physics history with all birthdays, deaths & discoveries by physicists and all major physics events that happened on this day!

May 14 In Physics History

Physics history will help you to develop a better understanding of the physics world!

birthdays & deaths

Explore all birthdays & deaths of physicists occurred on this day with their short biography!

physics Events

Know all important discoveries made by physicists & events happened on this day with complete information!

May 14 In Physics History - Births – Physicists born on May 14

Nicholas Kurti (14 May 1908 - 24 Nov 1998)

He was a Hungarian-British physicist and a chef who studied the nuclear cooling experiments that came within a millionth of a degree of absolute zero. His area of interest was ultra-low temperature physics. He also contributed to the Manhattan Project by studying the method to separate the isotopes of uranium. He was also interested in food Science and he combined his hobby as a chef with the study of Physics and chemistry of cooking.

Yuval Ne'eman (14 May 1925 - 26 Apr 2006)

He was an Israeli theoretical physicist who in 1961, devised a method of grouping baryons in such a way that they fell into logical families. It is now known as the Eightfold way. He found it the space program of Israel and also served as the head of Israel’s atomic energy commission.

May 14 In Physics History - Deaths – Physicists died on May 14

William P. Lear (26 Jun 1902 - 14 May 1978)

He was an American aeronautical engineer, inventor, and electrical engineer who founded the world’s first mass-producer of the business jet. He patented more than 100 projects for aircraft radios over a period of 20 years. He also invented the miniature automatic pilot for aircraft, the eight-track stereo tape player, and the first-ever commercial automobile radio.

May 14 In Physics History - Events – Physics Events of May 14

The First US Manned Space Station

On this day, first America’s manned space station “Skylab One” was launched by the United States in 1973. This was the largest payload launched into space and it fell back in the Earth’s atmosphere in July 1979. The Skylab space station cluster consists of Service Module, Orbital Workshop, ATM, and Airlock Module. The solar cell panels convert sunlight into electric power.

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